Training on a climbing hangboard is an excellent way for beginner climbers to improve grip strength, endurance, and technique. In this article, we present the ten best exercises to start with on a climbing hangboard, with detailed explanations on objectives, descriptions, progressions, required equipment, and the best time to perform them.

⚠️ Warning: Training on a climbing hangboard can be intense and demanding for muscles and tendons. It is crucial to practice these exercises in good physical conditions and not to train when tired. Before starting, make sure to warm up properly to avoid injuries. Do not push your body beyond its limits and respect rest times. If you feel unusual pain, stop immediately and consult a healthcare professional.



  1. Finger exercises

    • Hangs with Feet on the Ground
    • Hangs with Elastic Band
    • Simple Hangs
  2. Arm and back exercises

    • Pull-ups (Assisted)
    • Assisted Two-Arm Lock-Off
    • Assisted Explosive Pull-Ups
  3. Core Strength

    • Knee Raises
    • Windshield Wiper Exercise
  4. Combined Exercises

    • Hangs with Shoulder Rotation
    • Hangs with Hold Changes 


1. Finger exercises

Hangs with Feet on the Ground

Goal Warm up the fingers while reducing the load on the arms.

Hang from the hangboard while keeping your feet on the ground to lighten your weight. For effective climbing warm-up, try to maintain an effort level of 2/10 (with 10 being the maximum).

Hold for 10 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds. Repeat 6 to 10 times.

Progression If you want to work on your endurance (after a good warm-up), you can modify this exercise by aiming for an effort level of 5 to 6/10 and increasing the number of repetitions to 8 to 12 times.
Required Equipment A hangboard climbing Deltaboard with Edges 20&30mm or Deltaboard half-spheres.
Optimum Moment At the beginning of the session for effective finger warm-up (minimum 20 minutes).
Intensity ★☆☆☆☆
Weekly Frequency As many times as necessary.


Hangs with Elastic Band

Goal Start hangs with feet off the ground to develop finger strength and endurance while reducing load.

Place an elastic band under one of your feet and attach it to the climbing hangboard to lighten your weight.

Hang for 8 seconds, rest for 1 minute, and repeat 4 to 8 times.

Progression Gradually reduce the use of the elastic band
Required Equipment Elastic bands of various levels, a Deltaboard climbing hangboard with E20&30mm Edges and the Deltaboard hook.
Optimum Moment At the beginning of the session after a good warm-up of at least 20 minutes.
Intensity ★★★☆☆
Weekly Frequency 2 to 3 times a week.


Simple Hangs

Goal Strengthen grip strength and forearms.

Choose wide and comfortable holds.

Hang with both hands for 6 to 8 seconds, slowly lifting your feet off the ground, then rest for 2 minutes. Repeat this exercise 3 to 5 times.

Progression Add ballast or reduce the size of holds.
Required Equipment Deltaboard climbing hangboard with 20&30mm Edges
Optimum Moment At the beginning of the session but after a good warm-up.
Intensity ★★★★★
Weekly Frequency 1 to 2 times per week.



2. Arm and back exercises

Pull-ups (Assisted)

Goal Strengthen the upper body and arms.

Use a chair or an elastic band to lighten your weight. Perform pull-ups at a controlled pace.

Do 3 sets of 5 repetitions with 2 minutes of rest between each set.

Progression Gradually reduce the assistance until you can perform complete pull-ups.
Required Equipment Deltaboard climbing hangboard, Jugs&Slopers Deltaboard holds, a chair or an elastic band.
Optimum Moment At the beginning of the session after a good 20-minute warm-up.
Intensity ★★★★☆
Weekly Frequency 2 times per week.


Assisted Two-Arm Lock-Offs

Goal Develop your lock-off strength.

Use an elastic band or an assist hold to hang with both hands.

Pull up and stop when your elbows form a 90° angle. Hold the position for 5 to 10 seconds with minimal assistance, then slowly lower yourself. Repeat this exercise 3 to 4 times without rest, then take a 2 to 3-minute break. Repeat the cycle 2 to 3 times.

Progression Try to hold the position with your elbows at a 125° angle.
Required Equipment Deltaboard climbing hangboard, Jugs&Slopers Deltaboard holds, a chair or an elastic band.
Optimum Moment Mid-session to maintain training intensity.
Intensity ★★★★☆
Weekly Frequency 2 times per week.


Assisted Explosive Pull-Ups

Goal Develop power and pulling strength.

Hang from the climbing hangboard with a comfortable hold and an elastic band between your feet and the hangboard.

Perform a quick and explosive pull-up, bringing your chin above the hangboard. Lower yourself slowly, controlling the descent. Do 3 to 4 sets of 3 repetitions with 2 to 3 minutes of rest between each set.

Progression Try to perform explosive pull-ups with minimal assistance or by increasing the speed of the ascent for more challenge.
Required Equipment Deltaboard climbing hangboard, Jugs&Slopers Deltaboard holds, a chair or an elastic band.
Optimum Moment At the beginning of the session after a good warm-up.
Intensity ★★★★★
Weekly Frequency 1 to 2 times per week.



3. Core Strength

Knee Raises

Goal Strengthen your core and abdominal muscles.
Description Hang from the board and bring your knees towards your chest while keeping your back straight. Repeat the exercise 5 to 6 times per set. Do 1 to 2 sets.

Progression Increase the number of repetitions or the duration of holding your knees in the air.
Required Equipment Deltaboard climbing hangboard, Jugs&Slopers Deltaboard holds
Optimum Moment Mid-session for trunk training.
Intensity ★★★☆☆
Weekly Frequency 2 to 3 times a week.


Windshield Wiper Exercise

Goal Work on trunk flexion and rotation.
Description Hang from the hangboard, legs straight, and perform side-to-side swinging movements like a windshield wiper. Repeat 5 to 6 times per set. Do 1 to 2 sets.
Progression Increase the range of motion or the speed of execution.
Required Equipment Deltaboard climbing hangboard, Jugs&Slopers Deltaboard holds
Optimum Moment At the end of the session to work the trunk after having tired the arms and fingers.
Intensity ★★★★☆
Weekly Frequency 1 to 2 times per week.



4. Combined Exercises

Hangs with Shoulder Rotation

Goal Strengthen shoulders and improve stability.

Hang with both hands and make small shoulder rotations while keeping your arms straight.

Do 10 rotations in each direction, then rest for 1 minute. Repeat 3 times.

Progression Increase the number of rotations or try working with 1 arm
Required Equipment A hangboard Deltaboard climbing frame and holds Deltaboard Bacs&Plats
Optimum Moment In the middle of the session
Intensity ★★★☆☆
Weekly Frequency 2 times per week.


Hangs with Hold Changes

Goal Improve endurance and dexterity.

Hang with both hands, deloading with a resistance band or chair, and change holds every 5 seconds, moving from a wide hold to a smaller hold.

Continue for 1 minute, then rest for 1 minute. Repeat 3 times.

Progression Reduce the time between hold changes or increase the difficulty of holds.
Required Equipment The XXL Deltaboard pack to enjoy a wide variety of climbing holds, a resistance band, or a chair.
Optimum Moment In the middle of a session to maximize effort
Intensity ★★★★☆
Weekly Frequency 2 times per week.



Training on hangboard is an effective method for beginners wishing to improve their strength, endurance and technique. By incorporating these ten exercises into your routine, you'll be able to develop specific climbing skills while progressing at your own pace. Remember to always warm up properly and progress gradually to avoid injury. With perseverance and proper planning, you can reach new heights in your climbing.